deep-fry - cook in hot oil in a deep pan, grill - cook over or under a strong heat, slice - cut a flat piece of food from something larger, roast - cook meat, fish or vegetables in an oven, stir-fry - cook small pieces of meat, fish or vegetables in hot oil in a frying pan, fry - cook food in hot oil in a flat pan, steam - cook food in the vapour produced from boiled water, marinate - put food in a liquid full of herbs and spices which imparts a flavour to the food, mash - beat the food until it is broken up, grate - use a grater to cut off lots of small pieces to sprinkle over food, bland - not much taste / no spice or seasoning, sour spicy: chilli, curry tasty: any dish which has lots of flavour, e.g. pizza, Indian or Mexican food tender: meat (if a steak is tender it’s soft and easy to eat) - milk that’s gone off, fattening - high in calories, filling - makes you feel full, greasy - oily, juicy - contain a lot of juice and are enjoyable to eat, raw - not cooked,
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