grape - stare, pragmatic - practical, habitat - natural environment, nurture - nourish, ambivalent - having mixed feelings , dispel - cause to vanish, magnitude - large size, detrimentat - harmful, saturate - fully soak, avid - enthusiastic , pacity - calm, attest - bear witness, exhaustive - complete, punitive - punishing , vindictive - vengeful, explicit - stated exactly, esteem - respect, augment - increase, precedent - example, vile - offensive, condone - forgive, contemplate - think seriously about, ironic - meaning opposite of what is said, deficient - lacking, transient - temporary, fallible - capable of error, exemplify - respresent, discern - see clearly, enhance - improve, attribute - quality, assail - attack, animosity - ill will, encentric - odd, encounter - meeting, malign - speak evil of, adamant - stubborn, acclaim - great approval, obsolete - out-of-date, venture - risk, escalate - intensify, elicit - draw forth, comprehensive - including much, altruistic - unselfish, arbitrary - unreasonable, fluctuate - vary irregularly, calamity - disaster, tangible - touchable, persevere - continue, allusion - indirect reference, euphemism - substitute for offensive term, alleviate - relieve, benefactor - one who gives aid, implausible - hard to believe, speculate - think about, digress - stray, concurrent - happening together, incentive - encouragement, imfamous - having a bad reputation, succumb - give in, retaliate - pay back, garble - mix up, suffice - be enough , sinster - evil, intermittent - off-and-on, qualm - feeling of doubt, devastate - unset greatly, blatant - obvious, intricate - complex, degenerate - worsen, confiscate - seize with authority, predominant - most noticeable, constitute - make up, elation - joy, complacent - self-satisfied, waive - give up, deplete - use up, prone - tending, transcend - rise above, quest - search, pereption - impression, empathy - ability to share someone's feelings , divulge - reveal, averse - opposed, mandatory - required, nullify - cancel, impasse - dead end, traumatic - causing painful emotions, rationale - logical basis, flippant - disrespectful, prevalent - wide spread, dissent - disagreement, proponent - supporter, conversely - in opposite manner, lucrative - profitable, ominous - threatening, aspire - strongly desire, intrinsic - belonging by it's very nature, immaculate - clean, benevolent - kind, nominal - slight,
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