What is your favorite video game?, When is your birthday?, How many pets do you have?, Where is your favorite place to buy clothes?, Name one of your favorite places to eat., How many siblings do you have?, What is your favorite TV show?, If you could travel to any other country outside of the U.S., where would you go?, Name something you're afraid of., Name a talent you have or something that you're good at., Name 3 things that you look for in a good friend., What is your favorite dessert?, What is your dream job?, Name one of your favorite songs., What's something you wish you were good or better at?, If you could meet any celebrity, who would you meet?, Who is your favorite superhero?, Name a few of your favorite hobbies., Which family member are you closest to?, Who is someone you miss?, Name one of your favorite books you've read., Name your favorite sport and/or athlete..
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