non-fiction - writing that tells about real people, places, and event, fiction - a type of literature on the imagination and not necessarily on fact, poetry - a type of literature that expresses ideas, feelings, or tells a story in a specific form (usually using lines and stanzas), drama - a type of literature designed to be performed in front of an audience, literary non-fiction - a genre of writing that uses literary styles and techniques to create factually accurate narratives, informational text - is a piece of nonfiction writing that gives you information about a particular topic, three main types-expository, persuasive and procedural, expository - gives information about a topic. It's purpose is to inform or explain what you think about a specific topic, persuasive - provides a claim, reasons and evidence to influence the reader to believe or do something., procedural - a text that tells the reader how to make something. Sequence is important., controlling idea (main idea) - The writer's central thought and main topic of a piece of writing, article - a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication., Text Structures / Organizational Patterns - The way that nonfiction text is set up (i.e. chronological order, sequencing, compare and contrast, problem and solution, cause and effect, description)., Cause and Effect - To show why something happened and what happened, Description - to tell about something (to describe), Order and Sequence - to show events or procedures in time order, Compare and Contrast - to show how two or more things are alike and different, Problem and Solution - to tell about a problem and show a solution, text features - are the features that help a reader to navigate a nonfiction text more easily. Some examples include...table of contents, headings, bold words, captions, photographs, graphs, charts, illustrations, glossary, diagram (text feature) - a drawing intended to explain how something works, photograph (text feature) - a picture made by a camera, illustration (text feature) - showing by example; a picture, Caption (text feature) - a title or short description of a picture, opinion - A belief or view about something, quotation - a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker, summary - A retelling of the most important parts of what was read, evidence - facts or information indicating whether a belief or statement is true,
7th Grade Informational Text
7th Grade
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