1) What is the most popular breed of dog? a) Labrador b) Bulldog c) Toy poodle d) German Shepard e) Pug 2) If a German Shepard and a husky make a puppy what is the name of that breed? a) Shepsky b) Husperd c) Gersky d) Umm e) Idk 3) Do you enjoy wordwall? a) Yes b) No c) Hmm d) Idk really 4) If you like dogs then do you like this? a) Yea kinda b) Sure c) No, just no 5) This is the end of the quiz a) Ok b) Nice 6) Actually it’s not, did I trick you? a) Yes b) No c) 😬 d) 😳😥

how well do you know dogs?

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