A - your AGE / ADDRESS, B - BOOK you like / your BEST friend/ When is your BIRTHDAY?, C - COUNTRY you dream to visit, D - your biggest DREAM/ your DAD's name/ your favorite DRINK, E - your EYES' color, F - FAVORITE movie/ Is your FAMILY big or small?, G - computer GAME you like to play/ How old is your GRANDMA?, H - your HIGHT/ your HOBBY, I - your IDEAL breakfast , J - JOB you want to get in the future, K - How many KIDS are there in your family?, L - LANGUAGES you speak/ your favorite LESSON, M - How old is your MOM? / MOST exciting day in your life, N - your NATIONALITY, O - OTHER interests/ How OLD are you?, P - Do you have any PETS? / PLACE of birth, Q - your QUESTION to the teacher, R - Do you like to READ? / Review your fav RESTAURANT?, S - SCHOOL SUBJECT you like, T - your favorite TV - show, U - unusual place you've visited, V - VACATION you'll remember forever, X - X FACTOR singer you like, Y - YUMMY food/ YUCKY food, Z - ZODIAC SIGN.

Getting to know you/ Choose a letter and answer the question


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