outspoken - speaking out freely or boldly; frank; vocal; not reserved, encounter - A brief or an unexpected meeting, consists - to be made up of, expect - to think that something will happen, inspect - to look at carefully in search of flaws, consider - to think about carefully, became - to become, results - the outcome of an experiment, famous - well-known, attention - focusing awareness on a narrowed range of stimuli or events, tremendous - extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree, simply - in a way which is not complicated or difficult to understand, useful - helpful for doing or achieving something, nervous - worried, anxious, construction - what is built; buildings that are created or produced, explainable - you can explain how or why it happens, information - facts provided or learned about something or someone., disastrous - causing much damage or harm, contain - to hold; to have within, joyous - full of joy,

Lesson 13 Vocabulary


Papan Peringkat

Gaya visual


Berganti templat

Pulihkan simpan otomatis: ?