asteroid - a small object made of rock that orbits the Sun, asteroid belt - located between Mars and Jupiter where millions of asteroids orbit, comet - made out of dust and ice. Forms a tail when it orbits the Sun, constellation - a group of stars that form a picture in the sky, meteoroid - a piece of rock that travels through Earth’s atmosphere, meteorite - pieces of rock from space that have hit the Earth, star - a ball of hot glowing gas, yellow star - a medium star, swells up to a Red Giant and collapses into a white dwarf, red super giant - extremely large stars with a short lifespan, nebula - a collection of dust and gas where new stars are formed, red dwarf - Most common type of star- cooler and dimmer than most stars, supernova - explosion of a star, full moon, first quarter, third quarter, new moon, waxing crescent, waxing gibbous, waning gibbious, waning crescent,

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