activators / boosters / protinators / accelerators - powdered persulfate salts added to haircolor to increase its lightening ability, Baliage / free-form technique - painting a lightener directly onto clean, styled hair, cap technique - lightening technique that involves pulling clean, dry strands of hair through a perforated cap with a thin plastic or metal hook and then combing them to remove tangles, color fillers - equalize porosity and deposit color in one application to provide a uniform contributing pigment on pre-lightened hair, conditioner fillers - used to recondition damaged, overly porous hair and equalize porosity so that the hair accepts the color evenly from strand to strand and scalp to ends, fillers - used to equalize porosity, foil technique - coloring selected strands of hair by slicing or weaving out sections, placing them on foil or plastic wrap, applying lightener or permanent haircolor, and then sealing them in the foil or plastic wrap, hair lightening / bleaching / decolorizing - chemical process involving the diffusion of the natural hair color pigment or artificial haircolor from the hair, highlighting - coloring some of the hair strands lighter than the natural color to add a variety of lighter shades and the illusion of depth, off-the-scalp lighteners / quick lighteners - powdered lighteners that cannot be used directly on the scalp, patch test / predisposition test - test required by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to identify a possible allergy in a client, pre-softening - process of treating gray or very resistant hair to allow for better penetration of color, reverse highlighting / lowlighting - technique of coloring strands of hair darker than the natural color, weaving - coloring technique in which selected strands are picked up from a narrow section of hair with a zigzag motion of the comb, and lightener or color is applied only on those strands,
Cosmetology Chapter 21 - Vocab 4
11th Grade
12th Grade
Vocational / Technical
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