Physiological Needs: Having shelter and clothing, Breathing, Food & Water, Sexual Reproduction, Safety Needs: Financial Security- putting money in a savings account, Moving into a safer neighborhood , Obtaining health insurance/health care, Living without fear of accident or injury , Love & Belonging Needs: Developing a romantic attachment to a partner, Becoming a member of a group or organization, Maintaining a positive relationship with one's family, Avoiding loneliness, depression and anxiety, Esteem Needs: The need for appreciation and respect, Feeling valued by others, Avoiding feelings of inferiority (not being as good as others), Accomplishing a task and having your work recognized, Self-Actualization Needs: Achieving ones full potential as a human being, The full use of ones talents, potential and capabilities, "What a man can be, he must be", Concerned with personal growth and not the opinions of others,
Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs Sort
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Family and Consumer Sciences
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