Hybrid - has characteristics of more than one standard topology. For example, different segments of a network may each use a different topology., Mesh - each node connects directly to every other node, making it possible for each node to communicate with multiple nodes simultaneously, Ring - each node is connected to the two nearest nodes - its upstream and downstream neighbors - to form a ring. In the ring, data only flows in one direction to prevent data packet collisions., Bus - nodes are arranged in a linear format, and a T-connector connects each node directly to a network cable. The cable is called the ___ and serves as a single communication channel., Peer-to-Peer network - resource sharing, processing, and control of communications are completely decentralized. All clients on the network are equal in terms of providing and using resources, and each workstation authenticates its users., Client/Server Networks - servers provide resources to clients. In response to client requests, servers provide authentication services and access to shared files, printers, hardware storage, and applications., Tree - a central, or root, node is connected to one or more second level nodes, which in turn connect to other nodes at lower levels.,
Network Toplogies
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