copyright - the registration of ownership of a literary or musical work, costume - an outfit, including accessories and undergarments, worn by an actor in a production, costume crew - the committee in charge of costuming the show, costume designer - the person who designs or plans the costumes to be worn in a play or stage production, costume parade - actors modeling costumes under the appropriate stage lights. this parade gives the director and costume designer the opportunity to evaluate the costumes and make any needed changes before the production opens, costume plot - a chart listing all characters, the acts or scenes in which they appear, and all garments, undergarments, and accessories needed, creative drama - an improvisational, process centered form of theater in which participants are guided by a leader to imagine, enact, and reflect on human experiences, crew - committee of technicians who work behind the scenes creating the scenery, costumes, props, and so on, criteria - evaluation guidelines to use in judging or grading an activity, critique - opinion and comments based on predetermined criteria; used in an evaluation of a person or performance,
Theater Quiz week 16
6th Grade
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