albumen - the white of an egg, chalazae - the membranes in an egg that hold the egg yolk in place, coddled - slightly cooked eggs, ramekins - small, ceramic, oven-proof dishes, shirred eggs - a variety of baked eggs that have been baked in a flat-bottomed dish, poached eggs - eggs removed from the shell and simmered in water, sunny-side up - describes fried eggs that are fried only on the bottom, over easy - describes eggs that are fried on the bottom, then turned over and fried very lightly on their top sides, basted eggs - eggs that are fried then steamed in a covered pan, omelets - egg dish made by slightly beating eggs and then cooking them in a skillet with a filling, frittatas - flat omelets, quiche - a savory egg custard baked in a crust, soufflés - dish, made of eggs, that can be either savory or sweet; made by enriching a sauce base with egg yolk, whipped egg whites, and flavorings, pooled eggs - eggs that are cracked open and combined in a container,
Culinary Arts 1: Chapter 3 - Eggs and Dairy Products - Vocab 2
11th Grade
12th Grade
Vocational / Technical
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