professionalism - the combination of trained skills, polite and positive behaviors, and good judgement a person uses at work, professional image - comprised of the expectation for cleanliness and neatness in appearance every day on the job, teamwork - using each team member's strengths so that the group has more success working together than working alone, ethics - a set of moral values that a group of people holds that help guide the decisions they make, workplace ethics - set the professional tone and behaviors for employees in an operation and help everyone understand what is considered acceptable or unacceptable behavior, diversity - refers to the great variety of people in today's world and their backgrounds, experiences, opinions, religions, ages, talents, and abilities, stereotypes - generalizations individuals make about particular groups that assume that all members of that group are the same, prejudice - a general attitude toward a person, group, or organization on the basis of judgements that are unrelated to abilities, bias - a tendency toward a particular perspective or idea based on prejudice, cultural tendencies - some things that a group of people may tend to do or feel based on their common shared habits and beliefs, empathy - the act of identifying with the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another person, feedback - helpful information that is given to someone to say what is working or needs to be improved about a particular action or performance,
Culinary Arts 1: Chapter 3 - Professional Expectations
11th Grade
12th Grade
Vocational / Technical
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