1) The coach admonished her for picking flowers when she should have been defending the goal.  a) criticized b) praised c) listened d) thanked 2) The nervous worker was perturbed by his manager's constant interruptions. a) congratulate b) annoyed c) question 3) She showed great prowess in the engineering competition and won first prize a) anxiety b) patience c) skill d) knowledge 4) I don’t wish to impede your progress, I was merely trying to make sure you understand the instructions a) slow b) improve c) exaggerate d) report 5) The thief insidiously crawled into the house without being heard or seen. a) sneakily b) forcefully c) clumsily d) loudly 6) There was an onslaught of mail when they came home from vacation.  a) arrival b) handful c) invasion d) notification 7) The cat had some trepidation as it passed the dog’s kennel. a) confidence b) hunger c) fear 8) She accepted the invitation with alacrity. a) concern b) eagerness c) reluctance 9) Our neighbor is a cantankerous old man; I wish he'd smile once in a while a) ill tempered b) concerned c) thoughtful d) busy 10) There was jubilation in Los Angeles after the Dodgers won the world series. a) sorrow b) joy c) overcrowding d) fear 11) His pertinacity made it difficult for him to find common ground with others.  a) anger b) stubbornness c) fearfulness d) cheerfulness 12) Melissa sauntered over to the table while Cheryl hurried over. a) walked quickly b) ran c) crawled d) walked in a slow easy way 13) We should not ostracize those who are different from us; it's better to be kind to everyone. a) embrace b) exclude c) welcome d) include



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