Agreeing/disagreeing class 17: I totally agree., I couldn't agree more., No doubt about it., Me neither., Absolutely., You have a point here., Exactly., That's so true., I'm afraid I agree with you., That's a very good point., That's true, but..., You can't be serious!, I see what you mean, but..., hang on..., Asking for/expressing opinion: Don't you think that...?, What are your thoughts on all of this?, Where do you stand on...(smth)?, How do you feel about that?, Personally, I think..., I suppose..., As far as I'm concerned..., If you ask me, What bother me the most..., The way I see it,..., In my opinion..., giving advice: I think you should..., Why don't you tell me..., It would be a good idead to go..., If I were you, I would..., My advice would be to find..., I advise you to find..., The first step is to find..., Try +Ving, I'd cut on...(coffee), Talking about skills (Class 23): I've never done..., I'm bad at +Ving/noun, i'm good at +Ving/noun, I don't know how to ... (play the piano), If only I knew how to..., I don't go in for + Ving (running),
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