The distribution of power is most important in the ____ perspective? The ____ emphasizes the contributions of each part of society and how these parts work together to create a unified whole. The sociological perspective focuses on how ____ factors shape human behavior. A baby waving "bye bye" is using a ____ ____ emphasizes that people can communicate because they share words, gestures, and physical objects that have similar meanings to all of them. The sociological perspective allows sociologists to focus on the ____ behaviors of a group of people, rather than their individual differences. ____ perspective would be interested in studying the world of education to see how public schools maintain the imbalance of power in society, The ____ perspective is interested in studying the way different societies carry out weddings and marriage ceremonies (i.e. - studying the use of "unity candles"). Sociology shows that most events have ____ causes. You would want to use ____ in a survey so that the results could be precisely measured, easily compared, large numbers could be collected and statistical techniques could be used to make sense of the data? ____ is most closely associated with qualitative research? A person's marital status, ethnicity or grade in high school, is an example of a ____ variable, or a variable that identifies a person's membership in a category A person's income, IQ or a country's literacy rate are examples of ____ variables, or variables that can be measured and given a numerical value. If a sociologist were to analyze precollected data, like U.S. Census Bureau reports or U.S. Department of Labor reports, they would be doing ____. ____ is NOT an example of a cultural universal. Assume that Michael's teacher has a rule that if a student talks out-of-turn three times in one day, that student must stay in for recess for the rest of the week. She is using a ____ to control student behavior. Members of a society believe everyone should have the same opportunities regardless of their race. However, in reality, many people discriminate against members of minority groups. This means that ____ ____ is NOT a type of norm. Carlos's first-grade teacher is teaching him that he should speak in class only after raising his hand and being acknowledged. This rule is an example of a(n) ____. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that ____ Some people say that, even if suffering starvation, they would rather die than eat human flesh. They are refusing to violate a(n) ____. In the United States, most people believe that every child is entitled to an education. This is an example of a(n) ____.

Sociology Unit 1

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