True: The S22 is a supported device, Our service is truly unlimited with no throttling , Las Vegas was the first state we launched in, PG has a Deployed Military Program, Phone Service is $30.00 and offer Two Eligible Devices, Phone/plan can receive calls from international numbers, PG is the first ever O-RAN Network, A member's billing timeline starts the day they activate their service, Once a member qualifies for a reward, they will receive an email within 5 business days with a promo code and a hyperlink where they can redeem the code and order their rewards, False: You can bring BYOD to PG, Members can begin service no matter where they are located, We are not the only provider that has truly unlimited service, Members can earn swag and rewards with both phone and hotspot service, Accounts do not require Auto Pay, Hotspot service is $20 a month with Two Eligible Devices, Members may return devices at anytime, Members can change their MRC date to what they want it to be, Member's can unlock their phone at anytime, Every Member starts off at Founder Status,
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