Lip Sync - Synchronizing movement of a puppet's mouth with the spoken words., Makeup Crew - The crew in charge of designing and applying makeup for each character., Makeup Designer - The person who plans and designs the makeup to be worn in a play or stage production. Sometimes this person is also the makeup artist, the person who applies the makeup to the performers., Literary Merit - That quality of a story that gives readers and actors a deeper understanding about the human condition and human spirit just through experiencing the story. Usually, the story's protagonist must face and triumph over internal and external obstacles., Makeup Plot - A chart listing the makeup needs for each character in a play., Manipulation - The way a puppeteer moves or works a puppet., Mannerisms - Unconscious habits or peculiarities., Marionette - A puppet manipulated by strings connecting a control rod or paddle to the moving body parts., Mask - A covering worn over all or part of the actor's face to neutralize or create a new character., Masking - Any materials such as curtains or scenery used to block an audience's view of the backstage area.,

Theater Quiz 23

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