What is your favorite book?, What is your favorite movie?, Who is your favorite singer?, Who is your favorite actor/actress?, What is your favorite food? , What is your favorite thing to drink?, Which season is your favorite?, What is your favorite color?, What is your dream job?, Describe yourself using one word., If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?, What kind of music do you prefer?, Are you a morning person or a night owl?, What makes you laugh the most?, If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? , If you could meet one famous person, who would it be and why?, If you could have one wish granted, what would it be and why?, Who do you look up to most?, What's the best gift you've ever been given?, If you won a million dollars, what's the first thing you would buy?, What German foods do you like?, What German cities would you like to visit most?, What's your favorite German word?, What languages do you speak?, Do you prefer salty or sweet?.
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