Contract of employment - A legal document, which details such things as salary, holidays and working hours, COSHH (Control of substances hazardous to health) - Relates to products that could cause harm if used incorrectly used incorrectly and for which clear instructions, Data Protection Act - Law that states how the salon must deal with the personal information of clients and employees, Disinfection - The process of destroying some, but not all, micro-organisms., Freelance - Somebody who is self-employed and works independently , Habia - The Hair and Beauty Industry Authority; they produce the National Standards that the industry works to., Minimum wage - The minimum amount of money that may be earned per hour, which is set by the Government., Personal presentation - The professional work-related appearance that is required in each establishment. , Personal Protective equipment (PPE) - Available for use in the workplace to protect you, your skin and clothes from damage. For example, aprons, uniforms, or gloves. , Sterilisation - The process of destroying all micro-organisms and their spores, Training providers - Organisations that provide recognised training,
Useful Words for Working in the Beauty Industry (Unit 201)
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