Reconstruction - series of steps Congress took for Southern states to rejoin the US, sharecropper - someone who farmed the land of a former plantation for a part of the harvest, 13th amendment - ended slavery in 1865, 14th amendment - made all people born in the US citizens in 1868, 15th amendment - protected the right to vote for all male citizens, including formerly enslaved people, bitterness - deep, painful angry feeling, punish - make someone suffer for doing something wrong, assasination - kill someone for a political reason, radical - extreme, far to one side, Literacy - ability to read and write, homestead - a home and the land around it, former - earlier, from before, political cartoon - illustration to express an opinion, civil rights - rights people have in a community, scalawags - white Southerners in the new state governments, carpetbaggers - Northerners who went to the south to make money after the Civil War, lately - recently, not long ago, crews - groups of workers, spike - a large, strong nail, impeach - accuse a president of breaking the law, cowmen - farmers who raise cattle (cows, bulls, and steers), transcontinental - from one side of the continent to the other, Great Plains - mostly flat farm land in the middle of the United States, black codes - southern laws limiting the freedoms of African Americans, Freedman's Bureau - an organization that provided education, training and medical care to formerly enslaved people,
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