Cognitive Behavioral therapy - Explore how feelings, thoughts and emotions influence one another, Prolonged Exposure therapy - Relaxation techniques + exposure to traumatic situation, Psychodynamic Therapy - Getting in touch with conscious and unconscious thought processes, Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) - Moving eyes a specific way while client process traumatic memories, EDMR Side Effect - new memories, additional details, or dreams after the first session, EDMR not indicated - clients with suicidal ideation, psychosis, dissociative disorders, eye damage or unstable substance use disorders, Crisis Intervention - What happens immediately after traumatic event, Somatic Therapy - Increase awareness of the present, good for dissociative disorders, Hypnotherapy - induction of a state of consciousness in which a person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction, Biofeedback / Neurofeedback - Increase awareness of how body reacts (increased HE, BP etc) and gain control of reactions to triggers, Systematic desensitization - Master relaxation techniques first, then expose client to increasing levels of anxiety in stair step methods, Flooding - Expose patient to large amount of trigger to extinguish response, prevent response,
MH: Therapy for Anxiety, OCD & phobias
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