A ____ is both the ____ religious ceremony ____ which a sovereign is ____ and the ____ act of placing a ____ on a monarch's head. A coronation ____ the monarch's ____ as the ____ of the ____ of England and ____ the transfer of their ____ and powers. However, it is not actually ____ for the ____ to be crowned to become ____. Edward VIII ____ without a ____ - and Charles ____ became king ____ upon the ____ of his mother, Elizabeth II, at 15:10 BST on ____ 8 September 2022. He was ____ king by the ____ of the United Kingdom on ____ 10 September, which was ____ by proclamations in other ____ realms. The ____ of ____ III and his wife, ____, as king and queen of the ____ and the other ____ realms is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 6 May 2023, at ____. Charles acceded to the ____ on 8 September 2022, upon the death of his ____, Elizabeth II. ____ with previous coronations, the ____ will undergo some ____ to represent ____, cultures, and ____ across the United Kingdom, and will be ____ than Elizabeth II's coronation in ____ The ceremony will ____ with the ____ of Charles, symbolising his ____ entry into kingship, and then his ____ and enthronement, representing his assumption of temporal ____ and ____ On 7 ____ the Coronation ____ will take place, providing the ____ with the ____ to mark the occasion with street parties On 8 ____, the ____ initiative will take place to ____ community service and ____. This will be the ____ coronation of a ____ monarch to occur in the ____, and the ____ to be held at Westminster Abbey since 1066. ____ the coronation at Westminster Abbey and the ____ at Windsor Castle will be ____ on television.
King Charles IIICoronation
Novus Wetherby
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