Feudalism to Capitalism, 18th century Andrew Carnegie New South, Sharecropping - Evaluate the impact of capitalism on the American economy., Colonial Era migration American imperialism Native American societies - To what extent was enclosure of the West during the late 19th century similar to Manifest Destiny during the early 19th century?, Ethnic neighborhoods Chinese Exclusion Act, nativism Settlement House Movement - Explain the causes of urbanization during the Gilded Age, Labor unions Farmer’s Alliance New Deal - To what extent did the People’s Party (Populists) succeed in reaching their goals?, Manifest Destiny European colonization Yellow Journalism - Evaluate the impact of the Spanish-American War on the United States’ role in the world., Big Business Laissez-Faire Theodore Roosevelt - To what extent was the Progressive Movement a continuation of the Populist Movement?, Unrestricted submarine warfare Lusitania Zimmerman Note - Evaluate the impact of the United States’ participation in the First World War, Culture conflict in the 1950s Culture conflict in the 1980s The Great Migration - Explain the ways culture conflicts in the 1920’s impacted American society., Laissez-Faire Progressive Reform Great Society - To what extent did Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal successfully address the Great Depression?, Invasion of Poland Pearl Harbor WWI, Treaty of Versailles - Explain the impact of the United States’ participation in the Second World War on American society and role in the world., Allies during WWII Bolshevik Revolution End of the Cold War - To what extent was political ideology responsible for the Cold War?, Reconstruction Jim Crow Plessy vs. Ferguson - Evaluate the impact of the Civil Rights Movement on American society and politics., Domino Theory Containment World Wars - Compare and contrast the Korean War and Vietnam War’s impact on American society., Silent Spring Nagasaki and Hiroshima Theodore Roosevelt - Explain how environmental concerns impacted American politics and society from 1960-1980., Ronald Reagan New Deal The Other America - To what extent was LBJ's Great Society responsible for the conservative resurgence of 1964-1980 ?, Persian Gulf War Post War Nationalism 1945 Cold war - Explain how the events of September 11, 2001 impacted American politics and role in the world,
APUSH Contextualization Prompts 1861-NOW
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