Maybe. You will need to check the documents to make sure the temporary EE wording does not show up. - If I code ARDIS correctly for Temporary Employees, will the policy and certificate generate correctly?, Plan, General Provisions, and Class - Which ARDIS screens are needed to verify/code for Life, Disability, Dental, and Vision products?, Sometimes - you still need to make sure the correct Part-Time hours, definition, and wording pulled in - If you code ARDIS correctly for Part-Time Employees, will the policies and certificates generate correctly?, Two - General Provisions and Class - How many screens need to be verified/coded for LTD? What screens are these?, Regular - What word must be included in the description for Part-Time Employees?, B - If the Class Description says "All Full-Time and Regular Part-Time Employees", how do you code the Part-Time field in the Class screen?, The Temp EEs Excluded line must say N. It usually says Y, so we may have to update it. - For Temporary EEs, what is important to remember about the Plan screen for all coverages except LTD?, Temporary Employees will only fill a position for a short period of time - Why won't a temporary employee receive benefits?,
Part-Time and Temporary Employees
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