ls - Lists directory contents (file names), pwd - Displays the full path/filename of the working directory, mv - Moves or renames files, cp - Copies files and directories, rm - Removes files or directories, chmod - Modifies the read and write permissions for a file or directory, chown - Changes ownership for files and directories, su/sudo - Command to escalate privileges, apt-get - Used to handle packages (installing, ugrading or updating) in Debian, Ubuntu and other Debian derivatives, yum - The primary package management tool for installing, updating, removing, and managing software packages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux., ip - Used for configuring network interfaces, df - Reports file system disk space usage, grep - A filtering command that searches for a string within groups of files, ps - Displays information about active processes, man - Opens a manual page for any command , top - View active processes live with system usage, find - Used to find files and directories and perform subsequent operations on them, dig - Used to gather DNS information, cat - Displays contents of text files within Terminal, nano - A simple terminal-based text editor,
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