Qualifications for Senate - 25 years old, resident of Georgia for 2+ years, resident of district, citizen of U.S., Qualifications for House of Rep. - 21 years old, resident for 2+ years, resident of district, citizen of U.S. , General Assembly - Georgia's legislative branch, bi-cameral made up of Senate and House of Rep. , Legislation - acts passed, made into law , Speaker of the House - presiding officer of the General Assembly's House of Representatives , President of Senate - presides over Senate and is the Lieutenant Governor , Purpose of committee system - to study bills; can create, amend, or kill bills , Joint Committee - committee made up of members from the Senate and the House, Bill - a proposed law, revenue - money generated- in government, money generated is used to fund the budget , taxes - number one source of state revenue; money paid by citizens to support the function of local, state, and/or the federal government., excise tax - - special taxes placed on items such as gasoline, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco products; generate about 2% of state revenue, Standing committee - a permanent committee , Legislative Branch - government branch responsible for creating laws ,
SS8CG2 a-d The Legislative Branch
8th Grade
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