1) How do you divide the word "stumble"? a) stu/mble b) stum/ble c) stumb/le 2) How do you divide the word "bamboozle"? a) bam/boo/zle b) bamb/oozle c) bamboo/zle 3) How do you divide the word "cradle"? a) crad/le b) cr/adle c) cra/dle 4) How do you divide the word "simple"? a) sim/ple b) si/mple c) simp/le 5) How do you divide the word "puzzle"? a) puzz/le b) puz/zle c) pu/zzle 6) How do you divide the word "apple"? a) app/le b) a/pple c) ap/ple 7) How do you divide the word "chuckle"? a) chuc/kle b) chu/ckle c) chuck/le 8) How do you divide the word "castle"? a) cast/le b) cas/tle c) ca/stle 9) How do you divide the word "shingle"? a) shing/le b) shi/ngle c) shin/gle 10) How do you divide the word "sprinkler"? a) spr/inkle/r b) sprin/kler c) sprink/ler 11) How do you divide the word "whistling"? a) whi/stl/ing b) whistl/ing c) whis/tling 12) How do you divide the word "crackle"? a) crack/le b) crac/kle c) cra/ckle 13) How do you divide the word "stifled"? a) sti/fled b) st/ifl/ed c) stif/le/d 14) How do you divide the word "finagle"? a) fi/na/gle b) fin/agle c) fin/a/gle 15) How do you divide the word "sniffler"? a) sniff/l/er b) snif/fler c) sni/ffler

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