1) Identify this landform. a) u-shaped valley b) canyon c) delta 2) Identify this landform. a) u-shaped valley b) canyon c) delta 3) A body of land formed by moving water carrying sediments and depositing sediments at the mouth of the river. a) u-shaped valley b) hill c) delta 4) formed from glaciers(ice) scraping and grinding through mountains and moving everything in its path. a) u-shaped valley b) hill c) delta 5) narrow pieces of land with water running through it. They are formed by water flowing through and cutting away at the sides and carrying sediments away. a) glacier b) sea arch c) canyon 6) Identify this landform. a) sand dune b) canyon c) delta 7) Identify this landform. a) u-shaped valley b) canyon c) delta 8) Identify this landform. a) u-shaped valley b) v-shaped valley c) delta 9) Identify this landform. a) u-shaped valley b) hill c) desert arch 10) Identify this landform. a) u-shaped valley b) hill c) sea arch 11) Identify this landform. a) sea cliff b) canyon c) sea arch 12) mounds of sand formed by the wind moving sand and depositing it in a new location. a) u-shaped valley b) sand dune c) delta

Identifying Landforms

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