a⋇b = b⋇a - Commutative Property of Multiplication, 4 + ( 8 + 9 ) = ( 4 + 8 ) + 9 - Associative Property of addition, 4 ( 5 + 8 ) = 4 (5) + 4 (8) - Distributive Property, 3 ⋆ 1/3 = 1 - Multiplicative Inverse, 42 + 0 = 42 - Identity Property of Addition, 4 + 3 = 3 + 4 - Commutative Property of Addition, (a ⋆ b) c = a (b ⋆ c) - Associative Property of Multiplication, 6 + - 6 = 0 - Additive Inverse, 6( 3 + 4 ) = 18 + 24 - Distributive , 13 ⋆ 1 = 13 - Identity Property of Multiplication,

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