high-risk trade - may offer the chance of higher returns than other investments might produce, but they put your money at higher risk., a trade-off - a kind of compromise that involves giving up something in return for getting something else, to put a trade on - to make use of it for their own advantage, often in an unfair way, to make a good trade of - to give in exchange for another commodity : barter. also : to make an exchange of, to make a return - to bring, send, or put back to a former or proper place. b. : to restore to a former or to a normal state, backer - someone who supports a plan, person or company, usually by giving money and in order to make a profit, yield - the amount of money that you get from an investment, ROI - Return of Investment - the profits on an investment in relation to the amount invested, ballpack figure - a number or amount that is approximately correct, though not exact, level playing field - a situation in which different companies, countries, etc, can all compete fairly with each other,
# 158 - GT - Investments - Act 3 - Free Pass Idiomas
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