I, Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus, the great king of the Britons, having been afflicted by a serious illness, made this will., I make Titus Flavius Domitian, the best of the emperors, my heir., I entrust my kingdom and my people to T. Flavius Domitian., I order all the Regnenses to obey the laws and live a quiet life., For the chiefs of the Regnences have often annoyed me., Some, encouraged by the hope of money, fought amongst themselves; others, affected by insanity, tried to make a rebellion against the Romans., However, now it is right for all of them to put down the strife of this kind., I give and bequeath to Gnaeus Julius Agricola my statue, having been made by a British craftsman., In this way Agricola is able to hold me in memory through his whole life., I give and bequeath to Gaius Salvius Liberalis, the most loyal of my friends, two silver tripods., Salvius is a man of the highest prudence., I give and bequeath to Lucius Marcus Memor my house located near Aquae Sulis., When I came to the baths, sick, to seek help from the goddess Sulis, L. Marcus Memor kindly received me., I give and bequeath to Dumnorix, the chief of the Regnenses, who I loved like a son, a thousand gold coins and my palace.d, If, by chance, Dumnorix is dead, I bequeath these things to Gaius Salvius Liberalis., I give and bequeath to Belimicus, chief of the Cantiaci, 500 gold coins and a very fast ship., Because Belimicus once saved me from a bear which was raging through my palace., I entrust the care of my funeral to Gaius Salvius Liberalis., I want Salvius to bury my body., I want him to bury my gems, my golden bowls, and all the weapons which I obtained for war and for hunting, with me., I entrust this will, written by my hand and sealed with my ring, to Gaius Salvius Liberalis., May evil treachery keep away from this will!.
Stage 28: testāmentum
Cambridge Latin Course
Stage 28
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