Positive experience: the interior was very eco-friendly, it was a beautiful place to relax, the scenery was marvellous, it made us feel-at-home, the rooms had all the facilities, the hotel had a proximity to the airport/railway station, the staff was friendly and cooperative, it had a good quality restaurant, Negative experience: the bed was uncomfortable and it made it difficult to relax at night, the TV was broken, the faucet was leaky, the air conditioner and fridge didn't work well, when we arrived at the hotel, there was a long line at the check-in desk, so we had to wait for 2 hours to get to our room, the staff was unfriendly and rude, the hotel doesn't have a pool, gym and other amenities, the food in the restaurant was not fresh. It made me sick for a day, we had a terrible view from the window - it faced the construction area,
Hotel review. Positive and negative experience
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