Points: a ____ indicates a location (or position) in space., a ____ has no dimension (actual size)., a ____ has no length, no width, or height (thickness)., a _______ is usually named with a capital letter., in the coordinate plane, a _______ is named by an ordered pair, (x,y)., , , Lines: a ______ has no thickness., a ______'s length extends in one dimension., a ________ goes on forever in both directions, a _________ has infinite length, zero width, and zero height, a _________ is assumed to be straight., a ________ is drawn with arrowheads on both ends., a _______ is named by a single lowercase script letter, or by any two (or more) points which lie on the line., , , Planes: a _______ has two dimensions., a _______ forms a flat surface extending indefinitely in all directions., a _______ has infinite length, infinite width and zero height (thickness)., a ________ is drawn as a four-sided figure resembling a tabletop or a parallelogram., a _______ is named by a single letter (plane m) or by three coplanar, but non-collinear,* points (plane ABC)., , ,
Geometry - Points, Lines, and Plane
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