Describe what your dream home looks like., What is your favorite color and why?, How do you spend your weekends?, What are three things on your bucket list that you haven't done yet?, What are three things on your bucket list that you have done?, Describe yourself in in 3 or more words., What is your favorite sports team(s)?, Where do you see yourself in 10 years?, What do you like to do for fun?, Who are two people in your life that never fail to make you laugh?, What are your plans for the rest of the week?, Describe what your perfect day would look like., What is your favorite Holiday and why?, If you could live any where in the world, where would you live?, Who is your hero?, What is the last tv show you watched or are currently watching?, Are you a morning person or a night person?, Apple or Android?, Who is your favorite super hero and why?, Where is the place that allows you to relax and escape from the chaos? .
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