abhor - to shrink from in disgust; to detest, affable - pleasant; approachable; gracious, amiss - in a wrong or imperfect way, despondent - depressed from loss of hope or confidence; utterly discouraged. , entreat - to ask earnestly; to beg, haunt - to stay in one's mind continually. , impel - to drive or to propel, interminable - endless; seeming to be without end, irascible - quick; tempered, irritable, profound - intense; deeply felt, recluse - a person who lives apart from society and often alone, reverberate - to be repeated as in a series of echoes or vibrations, sate - having wisdom and good judgement, tirade - a long, angry speech, tremulous - marked by trembling or shaking,

Lesson 4 WW Bk 8

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