Events - One thing causing another thing to happen, Loop - Runs the same sequence multiple times, Algorithm - a set of instructions, Costume - Variety in the ways a sprite can appear, Sprite - a character or object in Scratch programming, Debug - Fixing/finding mistakes that exist in code, Sequence - a series of steps for a task, Script - one or more Scratch blocks connected together to form a sequence, Animation - changing pictures quickly to make something appear to move on the screen, Block - an instruction in Scratch. Blocks can be joined together, Bug - a mistake in a program. It's called a bug because insects got into the wiring of the first computers, causing errors., Condition - a "true or false?" question that is used to make a decision in a computer program, Run - to start a program, Stage - the area containing the sprites, where a Scratch project runs, String - the word used by programmers for data that contain words, Variable - a place to store data in a program, a variable always has a name and a value, Artificial Intelligence - The ability of non-player characters to learn and adapt to different situations. In a combat game with good AI, enemies "know" how to hide in different types of terrain, and even use a player's weapons against him!, Beta Version - A version of a game that's almost complete, and is sometimes released to the public to gather feedback about how well it works, Platformer - A game in which a character must run and jump to kill enemies and collect items, such as Super Mario Brothers, Rhythm Game - A game based around performing actions in time to music, like Dance Dance Revolution and Rock Band, Sandbox - A game that allows players to roam freely through a virtual world, with many ways to reach an objective, MMORPG - A "massive multiplayer online role-playing game" which many gamers can play at once, such as World of Warcraft, Circuit - In electronics, a circuit is a complete circular path that electricity flows through, Scratch Programming - Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations., Makey Makey - Turns everyday objects into touchpads using a circuit board and alligator clips to create a circuit,
Scratch Programming Vocabulary
Middle School
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