fossil - the remains of an organism, evolution - a change in allele frequencies in a population over time, cladogram - a diagram that shows relationships between organisms, common ancestor - the organism that came before two or more organisms (descendents), population - a group of the same organism in a given area, Charles Darwin - a naturalist who contributed to the theory of evolution, relative dating - to determine the age of a fossil based on the rock layer it's found in, speciation - forming of a new species by evolution from preexisting species, sudden appearance - when an organism appears in the fossil record fully formed, molecular evidence - DNA and proteins that related organisms share, extinction - elimination of a species, gradualism - slow changes over time, punctuated equilibrium - bursts of change followed by periods of stability, adaptive radiation/ divergent evolution - a dumber of different species arise from one common ancestor, homologous structures - similar structures that suggest common ancestry, convergent evolution - unrelated species evolve similar characteristics, analogous structures - wings of a bird, bat, butterfly, coevolution - two organisms change in response to each other,

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