boiling - It's unpleasantly hot., breeze - a light wind, chilly - It's unpleasantly cold., damp - It's raining lightly., drizzling - short period of rain, freezing - It's very cold., humid - It's a bit wet but not raining., mild - It's pleasant and not cold., pouring - It's raining a lot., showers - It's raining intermittenly., fog - is thick and can be found in towns and in the country, mist - it often occurs in the mountains or near the sea, smog - is caused by pollution and usually occurs in big cities, heatwave - a period of unusually hot weather, drought - a long, usually hot, dry period when there is little or no rain, hail - small balls of ice that fall like rain, lightning - a flash of very bright light in the sky caused by electricity, thunder - a loud noise that you hear during the storm, blizzard - a snow storm with very strong winds, flood - when everything becomes covered with water, hurricane - a violent storm with very strong winds, monsoon - the season when it rains a lot in southern Asia, changeable - adjective that means that something changes very quickly and a lot, settled - not likely to change,
NEF Upper-intermediate 3rd ed. 4A Vocabulary Weather
New English File Upper-intermediate 3rd edition
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