calm - peaceful, quiet, and without worry, confident - being certain of your abilities or having trust in people, plans, or the future, creative - producing or using original and unusual ideas, curious - interested in learning about people or things around you, fussy - worried about unimportant details, generous - willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected, gentle - calm, kind, or soft, punctual - doing something, or happening at the expected, correct time; not late, reliable - can be trusted or believed because he, she works or behaves well in the way you expect, sensible - having an understanding of a situation, brave - showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things, cheerful - happy and positive, honest - telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat, or lie, selfish - caring only about what you want or need without any thought for the needs or wishes of other people,
Wider World 4 1.5
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