cell - supplies electrical energy to the charges in the circuit, battery - a collection of cells connected together that supply electrical energy to the charges in the circuit, lamp/bulb - converts electrical energy into light energy, switch (open) - controls the flow of current in the circuit – when open, no current flows; when closed, current can flow, resistor (fixed) - limits how much current can flow, variable resistor - limits how much current can flow, has a value that can be changed, voltmeter - measures the potential difference (voltage) between two points in a circuit, ammeter - measures the current flowing at any point in a circuit, LED - converts electrical energy to light energy – current can only flow through it in one direction, motor - converts electrical energy to kinetic (movement) energy, microphone - converts sound energy to electrical energy, loudspeaker - converts electrical energy to sound energy, photovoltaic cell - converts light energy to electrical energy, fuse - a safety device that melts if the current through it gets too large, stopping the flow of current, diode - only allows current to flow through it in one direction, capacitor - a method of storing electrical energy or charge, thermistor - a special type of resistor whose resistance changes with temperature, LDR - a special type of resistor whose resistance changes with light or brightness, relay - an electronic switch that converts electrical energy to kinetic, NPN transistor - an NPN electronic switch with no moving parts, N-channel MOSFET - an electronic MOSFET switch with no moving parts,
N5 electronic symbols and functions match up
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