1) Dad kisses mom when he leaves for work in the morning and also when he gets home from work in the evening a) Protection b) Love and Support c) Socialization d) Education e) Economics f) Procreation 2) Gerald works for $15 an hour to support his family a) Spiritual b) Procreation c) Recreation d) Economics e) Adaptation f) Protection 3) Peter showed his little brother how to use his silverware instead of his fingers when trying to eat his food a) Socialization  b) Love and Support c) Adaptation d) Spiritual e) Protection f) Recreation 4) Sandy called the police when she realized there was a prowler outside a) Education b) Recreation c) Adaptation d) Spiritual e) Protection f) Love and Support 5) Andy organized a family picnic to the park a) Education b) Recreation c) Providing basic needs d) Adaptation e) Procreation f) Economic 6) Dave and Debbie's first child was a boy and they named him Alex a) Spiritual b) Procreation c) Economic d) Love and Support e) Adaptation f) Protection 7) Alice went to her sisters basketball game and cheered her on the entire game a) Education b) Adaptation c) Love and Support d) Socialization e) Protection f) Economics 8) Bill's mother switched to working part time because Bill became sick a) Adaptation b) Education c) Economics d) Spiritual e) Protection f) Love and Support 9) Grandma Walton says a prayer before eating family dinner a) Adaptation b) Economics c) Spiritual d) Love and Support e) Education f) Providing basic needs 10) Mary's mother brought a new coat home for her because her old one was too small a) Love and Support b) Economics c) Providing basic needs d) Love and support e) Spiritual f) Socialization 11) Julie smelled smoke in the basement so she immediately called the fire department. a) Protection b) Economics c) Love and Support d) Socialization e) Spiritual f) Education 12) Matt is failing math so he and his mom meet with the teacher for additional help a) Love and Support b) Economics c) Education d) Socialization e) Spiritual f) Providing basic needs 13) Jim and Sue have four sons and are now pregnant with a 5th child, hoping it's a girl a) Economics b) Love and Support c) Socialization d) Education e) Providing basic needs f) Procreation 14) The Smith family attends church services every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening a) Economics b) Socialization c) Love and Support d) Spiritual e) Providing basic needs f) Education 15) Donna took a part time job to help support her family a) Education b) Love and Support c) Economics d) Protection e) Socialization f) Spiritual 16) Molly chooses to homeschool her kids rather than send them to school. a) Love and Support b) Socialization c) Education d) Providing basic needs e) Spiritual f) Economics 17) Mary and Bob take their family to Wisconsin Dells every winter for a weekend. a) Education b) Economics c) Socialization d) Recreation  e) Love and Support f) Providing Basic Needs 18) Timmy hits his brother, Timmy's dad talks with him about why hitting people is wrong a) Education b) Socialization c) Economics d) Providing basic needs e) Spiritual f) Protection 19) Bob helps his son with a tough English homework question a) Socialization b) Education c) Economics d) Protection e) Spiritual f) Love and Support 20) Mary and Bob find an apartment for their family to rent. a) Spiritual b) Love and Support c) Providing basic needs d) Economic e) Protection f) Education 21) Bob gave his son a high five after he scored a point in the game a) Love and Support b) Providing basic needs c) Spiritual d) Education e) Protection f) Economics 22) The Smith family moved to a new neighborhood and installed security cameras outside. a) Eduation b) Providing basic needs c) Economics d) Love and Support e) Protection f) Spiritual 23) Mary and Bob start planning to have their first child a) Education b) Providing Basic Needs c) Economics d) Protection e) Procreation f) Love and Support 24) Molly is now responsible for watching her siblings on virtual school days a) Adaptation b) Education c) Economics d) Procreation e) Spiritual f) Providing basic needs 25) Billy gets a part time job to pay for the things he wants and his parents won't buy for him. a) Education b) Love and Support c) Economics d) Spiritual e) Protection f) Providing basic needs

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