True: Islam teaches us that there is no god but Allah, A Muslim must live a life that is pleasing to Allah., A Muslim is putting Allah’s Commands before his own desires., When a Muslim fasts, he obeys the Command of Allah, Fasting is a shield against evil., Fasting builds up the strength to resist evil, Muslims learn to say No to Haram., Every night, when the fast is broken, the meal is like a celebration., Muslims thank Allah for giving them the power to fast., False: We fast to lose weight., We fast for no reason., We spend our time in Ramadan on XBOX, We sleep all day in Ramadan, Our goal in Ramadan to eat more after Maghrib., Our goal in Ramadan is food., We do not need to stop lying and gossiping in Ramadan., We as kids do not need to practice fasting in Ramadan, At the nights of Ramadan I just watch T.V.,
Fasting in Ramadan 4
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