Diaphysis - The main part of a long bone. the shaft, Condyle - Large prominence - bears the weight of a joint, Crest - A raised part of the edge of a bone. Example iliac crest, Epicondyle - Prominence that sits on top of a condyle. Where muscles attach to bone, Tendon - Attaches muscles to bone, Ligament - Attaches bone to bone. Example ACL, Facet - Smooth flat surface that forms a gliding joint with another bone, Fissure - A slit where blood vessels and nerves can go, Foramen - A hole where nerves and blood vessels pass, Fossa - A shallow depression in the bone surface. , Head (of bone) - A round, very prominent, extension of bone that forms a ball-and-socket joint, Margin - Edge of a flat bone, Neck (of bone) - Area between the head and shaft of a long bone., Spinous process - raised sharp elevation of bone where muscles and connective tissues attach, Trochanter - Large prominence on the side of a bone. Example trochanter of the femur, Tuberosity - Moderate prominence where muscles and connective tissue attach. Similar to a trochanter. Example tibial tuberosity, Tubercle - Small, rounded prominence where connective tissues attach. Example greater tubercle of the humerus,
Skeletal System Descriptive Vocabulary
11th Grade
12th Grade
Vocational / Technical
Higher Education
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