ls - List directory contents, Similar to the dir command in Windows, man - An online manual of available commands, pwd - Prints the current directory, mv - Move a file or rename a file, cp - Copy a file - Duplicate files or directories, rm - Remove files or directories - Deletes the files, chown - Change file owner and group - Modify file settings, sudo - Execute a command as the super user or user ID, su - Become super user or change to a different user, chmod - Change permissions of a file system object, apt-get - Debian-based, software installation, package management., yum - Red Hat-based, package management, repository access., ip - Manage the network interfaces, df - View file systems and free space, grep - Search through many files at a time, ps - View the current processes, top - View CPU, RAM, and resource utilization, cat - Linked together in a series, nano - Text editor that can also word search, replacing, jump to a line or column, filename tab completion, auto-indentation, etc., tar - Create Archive and extract the Archive files, rsync - Sync files between storage devices, find - Search for a file by name or extension, dig - Lookup information from DNS servers,
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