Action Verb: What is happening?: We finished our study of the solar system. , It rained all night. , The plane landed in the field. , The child smelled the flowers. , Mom tasted the soup. , Jen looked at the pictures in the book. , Danny swallowed the food whole. , The bus driver drove all night. , The shark took the bait. , Eddie swam in the ocean. , Helping Verb: Action + Helping: What is happening?: We are going to the mall tomorrow. , Everyone had quietly gone to bed. , I was writing a story at my desk. , My brother is running in the track meet tomorrow., Kate and I have never skated at the park. , My dad will go to Florida in April. , I may run two miles today. , Amber will answer the phone. , Frank should have called by now. , Will has fished on the pond. , Linking Verb: What is?: Bill is the president of student council. , I am hungry. , You are freshmen in high school. , Sydney is a college student. , He is a good student in my class. , We were playing catch before it rained. , They are very tired. , I was an avid reader in school. , The students in the class are very restless. , The team is in the locker room. ,
Verbs: Action, Helping, Linking HC
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