irresistibly pleasurable - Waking up early and feeling the _________ warmth of the morning sun can promote the feeling of your motivation to start the day positively., come at a high price - Engaging in unhealthy eating habits may ____________ in terms of long-term health issues., tantalizing - The ____________ image of a decadent dessert on the menu can make it challenging to resist indulging in a sweet treat., unconscious - Over time, ___________ habits, whether positive or negative, become part of our daily routines., rush out of bed - When the alarm goes off, some people tend to ____________, missing out on the benefits of a gradual, unhurried morning routine., promote - Regular exercise can ____________ a feeling of motivation and accomplishment., payoff - Choosing to procrastinate important tasks often results in a delayed ____________., restraint - Practicing ____________ is essential in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle., indulgence - Succumbing to constant distractions during work hours can be seen as an ____________ rather than showing restraint., what-the-hell - A single unhealthy snack can trigger the ____________ effect, leading to a cascade of poor food choices., exacerbate - Lack of sleep can ____________ feelings of stress and irritability, making it harder to maintain positive habits., contain cravings - Developing strategies to ____________ is crucial for maintaining a healthy diet.,
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