Who is bill gates ? - Boss of Microsoft and 2nd richest man in the world, What operating systems do school operating system have? - Microsoft windows, What operating system do mac books use? - macos, What operating system do android phones use? - Android, What do operating systems allow you to do? - It manages the computers memory and processes, What hardware is inside of the computer? - Central processing unit, What does the central processing unit do? - It is the 'brains' of the computer, What is primary storage? - Is collective methods to capture digital information, What is RAM? - Is a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly, What is ROM? - When the computer is turned off all of the memory is lost, What is volatile memory? - Is a type of storage whose contents are erased when the system's power is turned off or interrupted., What is non-volatile memory? - Is a term used to describe any memory or storage that is saved regardless if the power to the computer is on or off., What technologies are used to store data? - Data can be stored temporarily using technology such as RAM, or saved to devices such as hard drives etc ...., What is secondary storage? - ..... Refers to storage devices and media that are not constantly accessible by a computer system., Why is secondary storage needed? - ......Therefore needed because it is non-volatile, meaning it retains its contents without the need for a power supply., CPU What does clock speed mean? - Is the rate at which a processor can complete a processing cycle., What is the CPU's main purpose? - Sends signals to control the other parts of the computer,, What storage device would you use to store a word document in - Your browse, What storage device would you use to store a game in - Hard disk, What is meant by a 'character set' - Assigns binary code to text , Which of these character sets allows the largest number of different characters ? - Unicode , which is not a method of encryption - The Sherlock-cipher,
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