1) What is the genre? a) tall tale b) historical fiction c) biography d) realistic fiction 2) "On the highlands of Africa, near the forests and plains", What does this sentence describe? a) plot b) climax c) character d) setting 3) What is the author's purpose for writing this story? a) to entertain us with a story about plants b) to teach us how plants grow c) to teach us which trees can help d) to inform us about a real person's life 4) "The woman wore a bright blue cloth with squiggles, like tadpoles in a pool" this is an example of? a) simile b) metaphor c) verb d) descriptive verb 5) What does "Thayu Nyumba" mean? a) Trees are good b) Peace, my people c) Peace, my trees d) Peace, to you all 6) Which tree provides medicine for sick cows? a) mauthakwa wa athi b) thayu nyumba c) mukuyu d) muheregendi 7) Which tree can help ripen bananas? a) muigoya b) muringa c) muhuti d) murigono  8) What does the fig tree help with? a) provides firewood b) provides medicine c) helps filter dirty water d) helps filter clean water 9) What does Wangari give to the people that sought her help? a) medicine b) food c) trees d) seeds 10) What does Mama Miti mean? a) The Wise Woman b) Wangari the mother of plants c) The Mother of Trees d) Strong, love for trees

Mama Miti

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